15 years after divorce, Tom Cruise, 61, has “made things official” with new girlfriend, and you might recognize her

Tom Cruise appears to have found love anew, potentially ending a 15-year romantic drought following his divorce from Katie Holmes. Reports are swirling about Cruise’s blossoming relationship with Elsina Khayrova, 36, suggesting that this romance is no passing fancy.

Speculation gained momentum last year when Cruise and Khayrova were spotted together at a Mayfair party in London, where they seemed inseparable. Despite earlier rumors linking Cruise with Colombian pop sensation Shakira and his Mission: Impossible co-star Hayley Atwell, it seems that Khayrova has captured Cruise’s attention in a profound way.

Insiders reveal that Cruise has been spending nights at Khayrova’s exquisite apartment, indulging in ordinary couple activities despite their wealth. However, the pair has opted to keep their romance under wraps, avoiding public appearances and photo opportunities.


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Khayrova, a former model with British citizenship, recently finalized her divorce from business tycoon Dmitry Tsvetkov. Her name made headlines in 2022 due to a legal dispute over unpaid fees for fountain installations in one of her and Tsvetkov’s residences.

Cruise, a veteran of marital ties with three previous marriages, has been single since his split from Katie Holmes in 2012. Khayrova’s ex-husband, however, offers a word of caution to Cruise and any future suitors, emphasizing her penchant for opulence and luxury.

“Irrespective of whoever she’s with, Tom Cruise or anybody else, they should be aware that she likes the finer things in life and has expensive and luxurious taste. Tom should keep his eyes and wallet wide open”, Tsvetkov shared with the Daily Mail. Despite any warnings, he expressed happiness for Khayrova’s newfound happiness and wished her well.

As speculation swirls and tongues wag about Cruise’s latest romantic interest, time will reveal the true depth of their connection. Whether this relationship blossoms into a lasting love story remains to be seen.