A woman lives in a tiny teardrop trailer after retirement that has everything she needs

After Sharon, a passionate globetrotter, retired from her career as a pharmacist in May 2014, she decided to embark on a completely new adventure. She purchased a T@B M@x S teardrop trailer in 2015 and began a nomadic lifestyle!

Sharon now lives full-time in the trailer she tows with her four-door Jeep Wrangler. She affectionately refers to it as her “tall teardrop-shaped caravan” because, unlike conventional models, it offers a headroom of 1.70 m, ideal for her 1.67 m height. The trailer has a total weight of 1,670 pounds.

The idea of ​​downsizing had been on Sharon’s mind for some time. She first explored her options at the RTR event in January 2012, weighing up her choice between a smaller motorhome or a van, having previously owned four larger caravans.

Although she was initially hesitant to tow with her Jeep, which is known for its limited towing capacity, Sharon was pleasantly surprised at how efficiently the Jeep handled the task.

The teardrop trailer has proven to be an excellent choice for their nomadic lifestyle. This includes a toilet and a wet bath that she can use comfortably while standing.

Sharon powers her trailer from two sources: direct power connections and 135-watt solar panels. Although the caravan’s kitchen is equipped with a two-burner stove, she prefers to cook outside to enjoy the fresh air and minimize odors inside.

The trailer is equipped with a large canopy and numerous windows to ensure good air circulation and natural light. For colder nights, she relies on a space heater and a propane heater that heats up the trailer in just a few minutes. On warmer days, the built-in air conditioning keeps you cool.

To keep insects away, all windows and doors are equipped with fly screens. The trailer also features a compact but fully functional kitchen with a refrigerator.

Despite the small size of her teardrop-shaped pendant, Sharon managed to entertain. She has installed an entertainment system for CDs and DVDs as well as a flat screen television for her favorite shows. Her sleeping accommodation includes a pull-out sofa that remains pulled out and saves her the daily hassle of setting up and dismantling.

One of the greatest joys of Sharon’s new lifestyle is meeting different people across the country. While she had previously lived in many places, she rarely got to know her neighbors. Now she has friends all over the country.