Abandoned And Exhausted, Labrador Retriever Collapses At Rescuer’s Feet

During a drive, Milan, the compassionate founder of Dog Rescue Shelter Mladenovac, had a serendipitous encounter with a frail Labrador Retriever. The emaciated dog was seen meandering across the road and making his way into a nearby field.

Milan immediately stopped his vehicle near the cornfield and called out to the dog, hoping that the pup would respond. To Milan’s relief, the young Lab heard his calls and, with a hopeful wag of his tail, slowly approached the rescuer.

It was apparent that the dog had summoned every ounce of his remaining strength to reach Milan because, upon reaching the compassionate soul, he collapsed onto the grass, clearly abandoned, scared, and filled with sadness. Milan tenderly lifted the exhausted stray and placed him in his car.

Remarkably, once inside the vehicle, the dog’s spirits seemed to lift, and he sat up, gazing at his rescuer, as if instinctively aware that he was being taken to a place of safety.

Upon arriving at the shelter, the dog, now named “Buddy”, enjoyed his first meal in a considerable amount of time, along with fresh water. Buddy was introduced to the other dogs at the rescue, and despite his visible fatigue, he wagged his tail happily, clearly relieved to be in a secure environment.

Milan describes Buddy as a very intelligent and beautiful three-year-old boy. Buddy is now in search of a forever home.

For those interested in adopting Buddy or supporting the Dog Rescue Shelter Mladenovac in Serbia, further information can be found on their website.