“Dad’s genes did their job”: Fans are amazed to see Madonna and Guy Ritchie’s son a carbon copy of his father

Rocco Ritchie recently celebrated his birthday with a memorable bash in Sicily. The event was carefully organized and ensured a day full of joy and excitement.

Among the guests were Madonna’s adopted daughters and following the celebrations, Madonna shared snaps from the party on her Instagram account.

During his parents’ divorce, Rocco decided to stay with his father and moved to London for a long time.

Rocco is currently making progress on his artistic journey under the pseudonym Rhed. His artwork has been exhibited at the Tanya Baxter Gallery of Modern Art in London.

Rhed is known for his unique bricolage technique, which repurposes various materials to create innovative works of art. The results are truly unique.

We would like to congratulate Rocco on his birthday and look forward to his continued success. Feel free to convey your congratulations by leaving a comment below the post!