He was crossing the forest when he noticed an unusual pile on the ground. As he got closer, he was shocked

While crossing the forest, he came across an unusual sight on the ground. As he got closer, his astonishment grew. For those who enjoy hiking regularly, it is not uncommon to make unexpected discoveries. I am also a frequent hiker.

Over the years, I’ve made it a routine to explore the hiking trails around my home several times a week.

Allow me to share some of the bizarre sights, sounds and smells I encountered during these excursions. In Peterborough, UK, a hiker came across a disturbing scene while exploring the forest.

As the hiker crossed a line of trees and reached a lower area, he noticed what appeared to be hundreds of tennis balls scattered across the forest floor. These objects certainly did not blend in with their surroundings, prompting the hiker to investigate further.

Upon closer inspection, he was amazed to see that they were not tennis balls, but live chicks! It turned out that a large number of young birds, no more than a day old, were scattered across the forest floor.

Unfortunately, the prevailing theory online is that someone, possibly multiple people, had abandoned the chicks in the hope that they would not be discovered.

Authorities were quickly alerted to this particular situation and arrived to rescue the birds and crate them for safekeeping. In all my hiking experiences I have never encountered anything like this; do you have? Share your thoughts in the comments.