My Boyfriend “Forgets” His Credit Card Every Time We Dine Out, Forcing Me to Pay for Everyone

A woman found herself in a frustrating situation several months into her relationship. Whenever she and her boyfriend went out to eat, especially with his kids, he would ‘forget’ his wallet, leaving her to pay. This pattern made her feel taken advantage of, and she decided it was time to confront the issue.

This 32-year-old had been dating her 35-year-old boyfriend, a father of two, for nine months. While their relationship was generally good, the dining out situation became a major problem, leading to a big fight that made her rethink their relationship.

Feeling frustrated and seeking advice, she turned to the Reddit community, sharing her experience and asking if her feelings were justified. Many commenters criticized her boyfriend’s behavior, emphasizing that she deserved better.

The woman was also worried about how her actions might affect her boyfriend’s kids, who looked forward to their weekly dinners. However, her boyfriend often ‘forgot’ his wallet, claiming he left it at home.

At first, she was understanding and didn’t mind covering the costs, thinking it was just occasional forgetfulness. But as this happened more often, the financial burden became hard for her to bear, especially after paying for several expensive meals in a row.

One evening, aware that the pattern might repeat, she decided to take action. Having just received her paycheck from a part-time job, she texted her boyfriend that day to remind him to bring his wallet. He laughed it off, treating her reminder as a joke.

At the restaurant, the kids eagerly ordered pricey meals. She casually asked her boyfriend if he had his wallet. He pretended to be shocked, patting his pockets and then claiming: “I guess I left it in the other jeans”.

When he asked her to pay “just this one more time”, she couldn’t take it anymore. Feeling manipulated, she stood up, packed her things, and told him she wouldn’t pay. He was shocked and asked where she was going.

She firmly explained that she was tired of being taken advantage of financially. With that, she walked out, leaving him to face the consequences of his actions.

Later, he called, upset that she left him and his kids without dinner. He accused her of being selfish and said he had to take them home hungry. This led to a heated argument, where he accused her of lacking empathy for his children, while she felt exploited.

After sharing her story on Reddit, she found that most people supported her decision. They advised her to think about whether she wanted to continue putting up with her boyfriend’s behavior or if it was a deal-breaker.

Reflecting on the advice, she carefully considered her options, weighing her financial well-being against the emotional challenges of the relationship. What do you think she should do? Was it right for her to walk out, or should she have handled it another way?