My boyfriend got down on one knee and proposed to me…

Yesterday evening marked a significant moment in my life: my boyfriend took the traditional plunge and proposed, surrounded by our loved ones. However, the anticipated joy quickly turned into shock when I uttered a surprising, “No,” grabbed my belongings, and hastily departed.

Now, I find myself secluded in a hotel room, my phone incessantly buzzing with countless missed calls and messages. The chorus of disapproval rains down upon me, questioning my decision to turn away from a seemingly perfect match, handsome, affluent, and kind-hearted.

Little do they realize the torment I’ve endured for the past half-year. Behind the facade of charm lies a dark reality of blackmail, threats, and relentless harassment, plunging me into a nightmarish existence.

Contemplating my next move, I ponder extending my stay in this sanctuary before embarking on a journey to a distant locale, where I can forge a new path free from the shadows of my past.