My date surprised me by bringing her outspoken mother along on our first outing, and she began grilling me with questions, I chose to turn the tables on them

When Ronny went on his first date with Denise, he was surprised to find her mother, Claire, tagging along. Instead of an enjoyable dinner, he faced Claire’s probing questions and extravagant requests, which revealed their true intentions. However, Ronny, sharp and composed, decided to cleverly turn the situation around.

I had been trying dating apps for a while and had my share of disappointing dates, but this one stood out for a different reason. I met Denise a couple of weeks ago, and we hit it off right away. She’s charming, and she laughs at my silly jokes, so I asked her out.

After some scheduling back and forth, we finally agreed to meet last weekend at a trendy upscale restaurant downtown. I was excited and arrived early to make a good impression. The atmosphere was perfect with dim lighting, stylish decor, and soft chatter, just the right setting for a great evening.

Then, Denise walked in, but she wasn’t alone. Accompanying her was an elegantly dressed older woman, her sharp gaze making me a bit uneasy. Denise introduced her mother, Claire, with a bright smile. I greeted them, trying to hide my surprise.

Claire’s handshake was firm. She quickly took charge of the conversation, asking me where my parents worked. I mentioned my retired mom, who was a teacher, and my dad, an engineer. Claire didn’t hold back. She wanted to know where I lived and whether I owned or rented my home. I explained that I lived in a small house, feeling like I was in a job interview rather than on a date. Then came the big question about my job and income. I glanced at Denise for support, but she just smiled and nodded.

I reminded Claire that I had already told Denise about my work. Denise chimed in, mentioning I was a business analyst. Claire nodded approvingly, saying I seemed suitable for her daughter, as they lived a luxurious lifestyle. It became clear to me that they were focused on money.

Claire pointed at the menu and declared they wanted lobster, implying I would be covering the bill. I looked at Denise, hoping for some intervention, but she simply smiled. Things were starting to go downhill. Claire was fixated on my finances while Denise remained silent.

Feeling desperate but inspired, I decided to turn the tables. I grinned and said: “Absolutely! Lobster it is! It seems like we’re here for a serious talk about my future with Denise”. Claire responded that Denise liked me a lot, and ensuring her lifestyle was essential. I confidently claimed I made millions from my dad’s investments.

Claire’s eyes lit up, and Denise looked taken aback. I maintained my straight face as my little white lie grew. I assured them I would take care of Denise if we married, and she would manage our future children. I even mentioned we could get a home nearby for Claire.

They were intrigued and excited by the prospects I painted. Claire expressed her desire for a beach house, while Denise chimed in with her dream of a gourmet kitchen and a walk-in closet.

I added a twist, mentioning my “other wives”. The mood changed instantly. Claire’s smile vanished, and Denise was left speechless. Claire demanded to know what I meant by “other wives”. while Denise seemed on the verge of fainting.

I explained I had two other wives and that we were planning to have at least five kids. Their expressions shifted to shock and horror. Denise whispered: “Five children?” while Claire’s anger flared, accusing me of joking. I insisted it was all true and a unique lifestyle they would come to love.

Denise questioned why I hadn’t mentioned this sooner, and I responded that I didn’t think it was relevant until now. Claire was clearly furious, calling my revelations outrageous. I leaned back, calmly stating that if they were serious about Denise and me, they needed to know these details.

When the bill arrived, Claire shot me a harsh look and asked if I would be paying. I smiled, telling her that in my culture, women value their independence and this was her chance to show it. Their expressions turned to outrage and confusion. Denise grabbed her purse, her hands shaking with anger. “Are you serious?” she asked, raising her voice.

I told them it was a test of independence and walked away, leaving cash for my meal. As I left, I could hear them hurriedly gathering their things, voices rising in frustration. Once outside, I felt a sense of relief and pride. What had started as a normal date had turned into a powerful moment. Outsmarting them felt great; I had refused to let them take advantage of me and had the last laugh.

Standing up to entitlement is empowering, and that night, Denise and Claire learned a valuable lesson about manipulation. It was a first date I would never forget, highlighting my wit and strength. Life often brings unexpected lessons, and I learned how to deal with manipulative people effectively. Ultimately, outsmarting them brought me satisfaction that was far more valuable than any dinner or gift.