Puppy buried alive on a beach is now thriving with foster fail family

In a shocking and heart-wrenching incident, a severely wounded canine was miraculously rescued from a horrifying ordeal on a serene beach in Oahu, Hawaii. This harrowing tale unfolds as a tale of cruelty and compassion that touched the hearts of many.

The distressed dog was discovered on a West Oahu beach, trembling and in excruciating pain. Her physical state was nothing short of horrifying: she was bloated, extremely dehydrated, covered in painful sores, and had lost most of her fur. PAWS of Hawaii shared this dreadful discovery on their Facebook page, highlighting the dire straits the poor dog, now known as Leialoha, was in.

This heartbreaking tale takes an even darker turn when we learn that her very owner had heartlessly buried her alive, armed with a menacing machete. The intentions of this individual remain a troubling mystery. “Someone had just buried her, and they had a machete, so who knows what was next”, shared PAWS of Hawaii, who aptly christened her “Leialoha”, a Hawaiian term meaning “beloved child”. As rescuers rushed to her aid, they found fresh knife wounds on her paws, hinting at the dreadful ordeal she had endured.

The enormity of Leialoha’s suffering was immediately evident. She was initially resistant to human help, and her condition was dire. PAWS’ executive director, Ku’ulei Durand, disclosed: “I went there the second day to bathe her and she just bled from every inch of her body. She is missing most of her fur and was sunburned. But I also believe she was burnt from the heat of the hot sand where she was buried. Her legs were so swollen and her skin felt cooked”.

Dr. Kelly Dowdall-Garberson, owner of Aloha Affordable Veterinary Services in Aiea, Hawaii, received a call from PAWS of Hawaii regarding Leialoha’s rescue. She vividly described the pitiful state in which Leialoha arrived at her clinic: “Upon presentation, she was depressed and severely dehydrated. She was covered in sand. She had severe cellulitis and edema of her limbs and was unable to stand. She was severely sunburned with multiple lacerations on her legs. She also had chronic scales and crusts”.

The horrifying revelation that Leialoha’s owner intended to end her life is deeply unsettling. According to Durand: “He felt he was ending her suffering by trying to end her life, instead of getting her the help she needed. Her skin, if you were able to smell her, is rancid because she has so many open sores that are infected”.

Despite the horrific circumstances, Leialoha’s story took a turn for the better. Dr. Dowdall-Garberson and her team provided the much-needed medical care, beginning with an initial assessment and tests to stabilize her. Subcutaneous fluid bolus, antibiotics, and other treatments were administered. They gently bathed her to remove as much sand as possible and applied healing ointments to her ravaged skin.

Slowly but surely, Leialoha’s condition improved. She began eating and drinking, and once she was stable, she was placed with a loving foster family who continued her care, applying ointments and providing her with probiotics.

Dr. Dowdall-Garberson provided an update on Leialoha’s progress, stating that her blood values were returning to normal, and she was undergoing a regimen of medication and care to aid her recovery. Leialoha’s daily strides at her foster family’s home included enjoying treats, seeking affection, wagging her tail, and regaining lost weight.

Amidst the darkness of this horrifying incident, there is a glimmer of hope and compassion. Donations for Leialoha’s continued care can be made through PAWS of Hawaii, as she continues her journey toward recovery, surrounded by love and support from those who were deeply moved by her tragic tale.

Source: Today’s Veterinary Practice