Puppy rescued by police officer reports for cuddle duty

When Officer Kathryn Smith received a call concerning a stray mother dog and her litter of puppies loitering around a local farm, little did she know that her response to this plea would lead to a heartwarming addition to the St. Paul Police Department.

St. Paul Police Department

Allow us to introduce you to Sgt. Fuzz, one of the puppies rescued by Officer Smith, who later became a cherished member of her own family.

Bringing the 5-month-old puppy to the police station to introduce him to her colleagues turned out to be the start of something extraordinary. Sgt. Fuzz’s presence was so well-received that he soon acquired an official role within the Minnesota police force.

St. Paul Police Department

The inception of this delightful appointment was a result of the police chief’s endearing tradition of bringing his own dog, Stella, to the workplace every Friday. Inspired by this canine camaraderie, an invitation was extended to Sgt. Fuzz.

St. Paul Police Department

John Lozoya, the senior commander of community engagement for the department, shared: “Our chief brings his dog, Stella, in on Fridays, so we thought it’d be nice to have the puppy come in here and there, too. He was an instant hit with everyone”.

St. Paul Police Department

Indeed, Sgt. Fuzz’s irresistible charm was undeniable. He was soon bestowed with the official title of “cuddle officer” and found himself working approximately 10 hours a week, offering comfort, playtime, and cuddles to the dedicated staff members.

St. Paul Police Department

In the high-stress environment that many police officers face daily, the role of Sgt. Fuzz as a source of solace and joy takes on significant importance.

Sgt. Fuzz has adapted seamlessly to his role, so much so that the department has plans to enroll him in a therapy dog certification program when he’s a bit older. This will enable him to extend his support to an even wider circle of people.

St. Paul Police Department

For now, Sgt. Fuzz is dutifully carrying out what he loves most, sharing his warm and comforting cuddles with those who need them most.