Stray dog crashes wedding and gets adopted by bride and groom

A wedding ceremony in Brazil featured an unexpected and heartwarming guest who managed to steal the spotlight. In a charming turn of events, a stray dog made an unannounced appearance at the nuptials of Douglas Robert and Tamíris Muzini in Brazil. The canine gatecrasher made a grand entrance at the church, capturing the attention and hearts of everyone in attendance, and even took the initiative to congratulate the newlyweds.

However, the most heartwarming part of this impromptu guest’s appearance was yet to come. The affection and connection between the dog and the bride and groom were so profound that Douglas and Tamíris made a life-changing decision, they decided to rescue the canine from the streets and welcomed him into their family.


The guests at the wedding were in for a delightful surprise when the dog, now lovingly named Braiá Caramelo de Jesus, arrived at the steps of the Rosário Church. With his endearing antics, he seamlessly blended into the wedding festivities, charming the onlookers by rolling over and showing his belly.

Tamíris Muzini

Quietly and unobtrusively, he observed the entire wedding ceremony from the entranceway, taking a brief nap during the proceedings. The highlight of this heartwarming story was the canine guest’s enthusiastic congratulatory gesture as the newlyweds exited the church. Wedding photographers Yuri and Amanda Merigueti beautifully captured this heartwarming moment on camera.


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Objavu dijeli Caramelo De Jesus (@caramelodejesus)

The bride, Tamíris Muzini, later revealed her initial surprise at seeing the dog when she arrived at the church. “I was surprised. I thought: ‘Look, there’s a dog inside the church'”, Muzini recalled, her heart melting at the sight of the friendly visitor.

Muzini’s heart melted even further when Braiá Caramelo extended his warm wishes to the couple. She shared the touching moment, saying: “When he greeted us at the end, he seemed to be asking: ‘Take me home. Take me'”.


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Objavu dijeli Caramelo De Jesus (@caramelodejesus)

As Douglas and Tamíris left the church, Braiá Caramelo decided to tag along, making for a heartwarming exit. Wedding guests and photographers Yuri and Amanda Merigueti couldn’t resist capturing videos and photos of this endearing canine wedding crasher.

It was later discovered that Braiá Caramelo was a local resident, often seen in the nearby Vila Velha area. However, once the couple decided to bring him into their lives, they realized that he carried the weight of a challenging past. An X-ray revealed a broken paw that had been set in a cast, and the vet also noted a significant scar on his belly, likely a painful reminder of the restraints used by his former owners. Additionally, he bore a bruise on his muzzle, possibly from past mistreatment.


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Objavu dijeli Caramelo De Jesus (@caramelodejesus)

Despite the scars and adversity he carried, Braiá Caramelo showcased an indomitable spirit and a heart full of love. His heart led him to the right place at the right time, where he found a loving and caring family who welcomed him with open arms.