The night Little Big Town became Grand Ole Opry members in Nashville, Tennessee, unfolded as a truly extraordinary event. The debut show featured a mesmerizing collaboration between Little Big Town and country icon Vince Gill, resulting in a stunning rendition of “Why Me Lord”.
This performance left an indelible mark on many, including the author, who couldn’t help but experience goosebumps.
Comprising Karen Fairchild, Kimberly Schlapman, Jimi Westbrook, and Phillip Sweet, the quartet teamed up with Vince Gill to deliver a musical masterpiece. “Why Me Lord”, originally penned and recorded by country legend Kris Kristofferson in 1972, has seen its fair share of covers throughout the years.
However, the version showcased in the video is hailed as one of the most exceptional.
Behind the scenes, the video’s backstory unveils an interesting twist. Vince Gill was allegedly made aware of Opry regulations prohibiting artists from performing songs about Jesus, likely to prevent any potential offense to non-Christian audience members.
Despite this, Vince opted to go ahead with the performance, and it appears that the audience wholeheartedly embraced the moment.
For those eager to witness this extraordinary collaboration, the complete video is available below. Share your thoughts by leaving a Facebook comment and let us know your impressions!