While I was hospitalized, my children put my house up for rent on Airbnb, I devised a plan to give them a memorable lesson

Mariah had been feeling unwell recently and decided to check into the hospital for a thorough examination. While she was away, her children thought it would be a good idea to rent out her house on Airbnb and pocket the cash. When Mariah found out, she knew she had to teach them a lesson.

Her friend Liz called her, surprised to see Mariah’s house listed online. Mariah, still in the hospital, was confused and asked Liz to send her the link.

Here’s what led to her decision to act:

Mariah had been dealing with fluctuating blood pressure, causing her to faint occasionally. Her son Liam and daughter Leah had been encouraging her to get a full check-up and eat better, as her current diet was not balanced.

Despite their concerns, Mariah had been brushing off the seriousness of her health issues. Liz suggested getting a thorough check-up to ease her worries, and Mariah agreed. Her doctor recommended a full-body scan and a CT scan for her headaches.

While in the hospital, Mariah discovered her children had rented out her house. She decided to get back at them. She asked Liz to arrange for Denise, a friend, to book the rental but to use a new account to avoid recognition. The plan was to let her children think they were making money from the house while she figured out her next steps.

Once Mariah was discharged, she went to Liz’s house to wait for Denise, who would bring her the keys. After picking up her keys and going home, Mariah noticed that the house smelled different and seemed to have been used by others.

She spent the night settling back in and planned her next move. The following day, she packed up her appliances and hid them in her car and garage.

When she returned home, Leah and Liam were shocked to see new appliances in the kitchen. Mariah pretended to be surprised, then revealed she had taken everything to teach them a lesson for renting out her house without permission.

Leah and Liam were taken aback. Mariah explained that if they needed money, they should come to her directly instead of making decisions like this. Leah apologized and promised to return the appliances and give Mariah the rental money.

In the end, Mariah felt her lesson was taught, and her children learned the importance of respecting her property and coming to her for help rather than taking matters into their own hands.