A street dog frantically looking for safety in a manger

When we go through hard times, we should be happy to be alive and healthy. If the holidays are coming soon, those feelings of happiness only intensify.

The customs that are repeated every year on holidays are the making of a manger.

In many places, people make mangers, it’s a tradition before Christmas. However, many times people just pass by and don’t look at it.

This manger is special, because in it there is a small creature that decided to stay there.

It is difficult to remain indifferent to this scene.

The people of Santa Catarina, Brazil, could not believe their eyes.

This sight made them all tender. The adorable dog decided to lay down in their manger.

This little German shepherd didn’t even know where he was, but he found a very good place to sleep. People from the area will probably remember this scene for a long time.

This unfortunate dog had no family of his own. He was completely alone.

However, now his life is getting better.

Just before Christmas, this dog got his new home. This is what happened when these scenes were published on the internet.

Then a woman decided to take him with her to her home. His life changed completely.

This whole situation happened a few years ago, but it’s really beautiful to remember this scene.

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