Bold lion cubs annoy their sleeping dad in funny scene

Every parent needs to know very well how children will behave. Of course children are sometimes restless and boring. Still, their only desire is to have fun. Patience is one of the great virtues. In this case, where the little lions are annoying their father, it was a little different.

Ingo Gerlach

These amazing photos show young lions teasing their father. All of this wouldn’t have been so much fun if the lion hadn’t been asleep at the time. Still, the kids thought it was the right time to play. Besides, their father’s tail was their main toy. The wildlife photographer captured some really impressive moments. These are the moments when the cubs tested their father’s patience.

Ingo Gerlach

These interesting scenes were recorded in the Masai Mara. Ingo Gerlach is a German photographer who managed to preserve these amazing moments from the Kenyan reserve. We can’t see moments like this every day, so they are special. This 66-year-old photographer was at the right time where he was supposed to be. As he told MailOnline there were about eight little lions in total. They were constantly annoying their father while he slept. Yet he clearly didn’t care about his six-week-old cubs. At least not in those moments.

Ingo Gerlach

It was immediately clear that this magnificent lion was not in a good mood. After waking up, he tried to drive away the cubs with his howl, but without success. It seems that the cubs were very similar to their father. So they were not afraid of him, but did what they wanted. Their father then decided to try to find peace elsewhere.

Ingo Gerlach

As awesome as he was, neither the look nor the roar could help him. The cubs were ready for the party and it was not easy to get rid of them.

Ingo Gerlach

Gerlach said the little lions had fun playing with their father’s tail.

Ingo Gerlach

As Gerlach said, as much as the lion tried to scare his cubs, he failed. Even if it succeeds, it only takes a few moments. After that, the cubs continue to have fun according to their own rules. The magnificent lion managed to find his peace after about 30 minutes of unrest with the cubs. He found it by finding another bush where he would rest.

h/t: MailOnline