Doctors wanted to put girl with Down syndrome in an institution,15 years later, she’s a top model

Embracing and honoring the rich tapestry of diversity that defines humanity should be an inherent value, transcending geographical boundaries and societal norms.

Imagine a world where everyone looked and behaved in identical ways, it would undoubtedly be a dull and monotonous place. The quest for promoting inclusivity has gained momentum in recent times, with various sectors making strides in this direction.

While success rates may vary, the overarching message remains clear: individuals deviating from the perceived norm are equally capable of achieving extraordinary feats.

Consider the remarkable journey of Kennedy Garcia, a resident of Colorado Springs, Colorado, who defied grim predictions. Born with Down syndrome, doctors initially advised her mother, Renee, to place Kennedy in a specialized institution, anticipating a life of limited quality. Dismissing these discouraging recommendations, Renee decided to forge a different path for her daughter.

Today, Kennedy has shattered expectations by participating in statewide dance competitions and gracing the campaigns of renowned brands in the United States. Her resilience became even more evident when she battled and triumphed over leukemia, showcasing unparalleled determination.

Recalling the initial moments of Kennedy’s life, Renee shared: “The night Kennedy arrived, I was heartbroken to learn she had the condition because I was being fed nothing but a negative, bleak picture painted by doctors and nurses who really had no idea what my child’s future really held”. However, Kennedy’s accomplishments have not only defied those pessimistic projections but have also become a source of inspiration for many.

Despite the challenges, Kennedy has become a sought-after model, working with prestigious names such as American Girl and Justice Clothing. She has signed with KMR Diversity and Dream Talent Management, jetting off regularly to Hollywood and New York for auditions and modeling assignments.


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Beyond her professional achievements, Kennedy shares a meaningful connection with her boyfriend, Matthew, who also has Down syndrome.

Reflecting on the misguided advice from doctors, Renee expressed her disbelief, stating: “It’s shocking how misinformed they all were, and it was only 15 years ago”.

Today, Renee and Kennedy actively engage in educational outreach, touring schools to enlighten children about Down syndrome and promote support for individuals with the condition. Kennedy has also amassed a considerable following on social media, boasting almost 70,000 followers on Instagram.


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Objavu dijeli Kennedy Garcia (@kennedyjean04)

“We’re all incredibly proud of her and everything she’s achieved”, Renee declared. “She’s a wonderful girl, and we are all so lucky to have her in our lives.”


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Objavu dijeli Kennedy Garcia (@kennedyjean04)

Kennedy’s story serves as a testament to triumph over adversity and a reminder that barriers are meant to be broken. As she continues her journey, we extend our heartfelt wishes for her continued success and happiness.