K-9 Puppy Sleeps Through His Entire Swearing-In Ceremony

Becoming a K-9 puppy is no easy feat, especially for the newest recruits.

On a significant day in Bristol, Rhode Island, a young chocolate Labrador named Brody embarked on his journey as the latest addition to the Bristol Police Department. April 6, 2020, marked the date of his official swearing-in ceremony, a pivotal moment for any newcomer to the community.

However, as luck would have it, Brody’s ceremony fell on a Monday, a day known for its challenges. Although Brody was undoubtedly thrilled to start his new role, he appeared to have a different priority that day – catching up on some much-needed rest.

This 12-week-old pup managed to sleep through the entire swearing-in ceremony, leaving his partner, Officer Keith Medeiros, to stand in for him. The ceremony was streamed live on the Bristol, R.I. Police Department’s official Facebook page and quickly became a viral sensation.


Brody peacefully snoozed on the desk while Police Chief Kevin Lynch spoke passionately about this adorable pup. Only briefly waking up to pose for a photo, it was clear that Brody was on a mission to get his beauty sleep.

Officer Medeiros, Brody’s handler, remarked: “He plays really hard, and he sleeps really hard. When he’s not playing, he’s sleeping, which is kind of tough because he sleeps a lot”.

However, no one seemed to mind the puppy’s nap, as he looked undeniably comfortable and cute. The video of his snoozing spectacle on Facebook garnered nearly one million views, with viewers applauding the little K-9 for his ability to sleep through a significant moment.

One viewer cheekily commented: “Better get your rest now, because your work is just beginning. Woof”.


Chief Lynch expressed his enthusiasm, stating: “This is a very big day for the Bristol Police Department and for our future. As soon as Brody wakes up, we will have a lot of successes ahead, and he is going to be a superstar for the town of Bristol. I can guarantee it”.

Brody assumed the role of the first Comfort and Therapy dog for the Bristol Police Department as part of a new initiative to enhance the community’s well-being and strengthen ties between the community and the police. The name “Brody” is a combination of “B” for Bristol and “Rody” for Rhode Island.


The town received this valuable addition thanks to Boonefield Labradors, a renowned breeder of comfort and therapy dogs in Rindge, New Hampshire. Initially considering a bomb-sniffing dog, the police department eventually embraced School Resource Officer Medeiros’ proposal for a therapy dog.

Brody’s duties include engaging with the community, visiting schools and nursing homes, and providing solace to victims of crime. Therapy dogs play a vital role in helping individuals cope with stress, anxiety, PTSD, and various emotions, making them essential members of the community.

Brody’s arrival was timely, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, as Medeiros observed: “People are really stressed, especially in law enforcement. Just by walking into the police department with Brody, people immediately smile. They immediately get into a better place. They want to pet him, want to hug him, and it’s just a really good thing”.


While Brody shoulders a considerable responsibility, there is no doubt that he will handle it with grace. The future holds great promise for this little K-9 officer, and he’s already shown his knack for resting when necessary.


For those interested in following Brody’s adorable adventures, his Instagram page is the place to be.

Welcome to the force, K-9 Brody!

We wish you many years of bringing joy to the team, complete with treats, belly rubs, and plenty of rest.