Law Enforcement Bids A Final Farewell To K9 Tommy Following His Euthanization

In a poignant tribute to loyalty and service, K9 Tommy, a German Shepherd who dedicated seven years of his life to the Ohio Department, bid his final goodbye after succumbing to aggressive cancer.

After seven years of unwavering partnership with his handler, Officer Jeremy Berger of the Department of National Resources, Tommy faced the inevitable due to an untreatable form of cancer that left him in considerable pain and unable to carry out even the most basic canine activities. In a heart-wrenching decision, Jeremy chose to euthanize his devoted companion.


Tommy’s years of impeccable service did not go unnoticed by law enforcement agencies throughout Ohio. In a touching display of solidarity, officers and their K9 companions gathered in front of the Blanchard Valley Veterinary Clinic to pay their respects to the fallen hero.

The emotional moment unfolded as Tommy, draped in a flag, was gently placed on a stretcher and carried to a waiting car.

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A solemn minute of silence, observed by officers and their K9 partners, paid homage to the dedicated service Tommy rendered. The weight of the loss was felt deeply, particularly by Jeremy and his family, who bid their final farewells.

As the last goodbyes were uttered, a poignant radio call echoed through the air, commemorating Tommy’s faithful service: “You were a faithful partner to 3280, Officer Tommy.

Thank you for being a good boy and protecting your partner and the citizens of Ohio. Your watch has now ended. Rest well. You are gone, but never forgotten”.

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The emotional resonance of Tommy’s farewell touched the hearts of Ohio officers, marking the end of his watch and leaving a lasting impact. Tommy joins the ranks of K9 heroes who dedicated their lives to serving the people of the United States.

Although gone, his memory lives on, and he will forever be remembered as a good boy who gave his all. Rest well, Tommy.