In a heartwarming tale of human kindness and resourcefulness, two dedicated prospectors, Maurice Valliere and Pat Greba, came to the rescue of a moose teetering on the brink of “certain death”. Their mission was set in motion when a concerned friend alerted them to the precarious situation of the moose in the wilds near Timmins, a northeastern Ontario town in Canada where they call home.
The moose had inadvertently found itself mired in a quagmire, with only its head remaining visible above the surface of the mud. Valliere and Greba, initially reaching out to the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources, and Forestry, were met with a frustrating lack of response. With each passing moment, it became evident that they were the creature’s last hope.
Upon arriving at the scene, Greba and Valliere were met with the heartbreaking sight of the moose’s valiant struggle for survival. It had been buried right up to its head, fighting a relentless battle to keep its head above the clinging mud.
Undeterred by the challenge and determined to make a difference, the two men improvised a rescue plan. They employed sturdy straps and Greba’s Argo ATV, using the moose’s antlers to attach the straps. This ingenious approach ensured that they could apply the necessary force to extricate the moose from its muddy prison.
Fortunately, their strategy paid off, and they successfully pulled the beleaguered moose to safety. Once freed, the moose swiftly rose to its feet and dashed away, with one of the straps still attached to its antler.
Moose are imposing creatures, standing between 5 to 7 feet (1.5 to 2 meters) tall from hoof to shoulder, and reaching heights of up to 10 feet when upright. Males typically weigh between 790 to 1,330 pounds (360 to 600 kilograms), making them a formidable presence. However, the determination of Greba and Valliere was unwavering, and they undertook this daring rescue mission without hesitation.
The heartening rescue of the moose captured the attention and admiration of the local community, with their friend Bill Desloges sharing images of the operation on Facebook, leading to thousands of shares. He commended their efforts, emphasizing that the moose was once again “back on the loose” thanks to their hard work, dedication, and the spirit of compassion that defines their community. As Valliere aptly put it: “We all love our animals here”, a sentiment that shines brightly in their extraordinary act of rescue.