Mother hen adopts helpless kittens and keeps them warm in sweet footage

The animal kingdom often surprises us with heartwarming and unusual interactions, and this story is no exception.

In a farmer’s barn, an extraordinary bond formed between a chicken and three tiny kittens, a scenario that might sound like it’s straight out of a fairy tale. The farmer even managed to capture this adorable scene on video, which quickly became a viral sensation.


It’s not uncommon for a variety of animals to coexist harmoniously on Goran A. Surchi’s farm, including dogs, cats, goats, sheep, and even birds.

However, what unfolded on this Kurdish farmer’s property was beyond anyone’s expectations. When three orphaned kittens found themselves in need of help, they received assistance from an unlikely source, a mother hen.


One day, Goran heard the faint cries of the kittens and decided to investigate. At first, he was concerned that the hen and her own chicks might be in danger. Little did he know that the reality was far more heartwarming. The mother hen had taken it upon herself to shelter and provide warmth to the helpless kittens.


Goran shared his astonishment, saying: “For some time now, I was hearing meows coming from our chicken coop, and I was curious to know what was going on, as our chickens could be in danger. When I realized that the meows were coming from under the chicken, I decided to record it so as not to miss this unique moment, and to my surprise, there were three beautiful kittens”.

These three kittens had tragically lost their mother, leaving them in need of the love and comfort only a mother could provide. Luckily, in this unlikely twist of fate, the motherly instincts of the protective and caring hen named Lee kicked in, offering the kittens the care and warmth they so desperately needed.


This heartwarming tale reminds us that love and compassion can transcend species boundaries, creating extraordinary bonds in the most unexpected places.

Goran posted the touching video on TikTok, and it quickly captured the hearts of viewers worldwide, who were enchanted by the mother hen’s nurturing gesture towards the vulnerable kittens.

Watch the video:



♬ الصوت الأصلي – goran.a.surchi

Source: 3Lstories