Police officer adopts tiny pit bull puppy he rescued on duty

In a heartwarming turn of events, a pit bull puppy’s initial nightmare transformed into a tale of joy when the officer who discovered him decided to provide a permanent and loving home. This abandoned pup had been found wandering the streets of Mount Laurel, New Jersey, by a diligent local police patrol, and the odds quickly shifted in his favor.

Officer Matthew O’Hanlon, a dedicated member of the Mount Laurel Police Department for nearly three years, was on a routine patrol through the city’s industrial area when he spotted the tiny, forlorn puppy. At first, he suspected that the pup might be lost, prompting him to investigate. However, it became apparent that the puppy seemed more abandoned than lost, given the absence of any identification, like a collar, and the visible signs of injury.

Officer O’Hanlon recalled: “When we typically find a dog, usually they have tags on them or a chip. We can take them to the local animal hospital and have the owner found pretty fast”.

Facebook/Mount Laurel Police Department

Concerned for the pup’s well-being, Officer O’Hanlon took the 3-month-old puppy to the Burlington County Animal Shelter for further evaluation. During the journey to the shelter, the puppy’s irresistible charm quickly won over the officer’s heart. Nevertheless, Officer O’Hanlon recognized the need to maintain his emotional distance and initially left the puppy at the shelter. But his resolve didn’t last long.

He admitted: “I called the shelter 20 minutes after I dropped him off and told them that I wanted him. My fiancée and I were looking to adopt a pit bull, and when you see a pit bull puppy with an injury, it’s hard to resist”.

It turned out that the puppy lacked a microchip, but he remained at the shelter for a few more days, just in case someone came forward to claim him. Additionally, he required treatment for his injury. As soon as he made a full recovery, Officer O’Hanlon was thrilled to introduce the pup to his new home, and they decided to name him Thor.

“It’s incredibly heartwarming to know that we could help a little puppy like that go from whatever ordeal he experienced to now realizing how cherished he will be for the rest of his life”, Officer O’Hanlon shared with ABC7. “My fiancée and I are avid Marvel fans, and we thought the name was fitting, considering his injury and everything.”

The Mount Laurel Police Department also shared the heartwarming news with their Facebook community, stating: “Everyone keeps asking what happened to the puppy we found on January 2nd… Well, he has a new home with one of the officers who rescued him. Officer O’Hanlon adopted him right away and has been making sure he gets lots of attention and treats! Little Thor is healing up nicely and has found his forever loving home!”

This uplifting story serves as a testament to the remarkable bonds that can form between humans and their four-legged companions, reminding us all that love and compassion can transform even the most challenging circumstances into a beautiful and heartwarming ending.

Source: ABC7 New York