In the lead-up to Christmas, UPS driver Ryan Arens found himself on a unique rescue mission during his route in Bozeman, Montana. The serendipitous encounter unfolded when he heard the distressed cries of a puppy in the vicinity. Determined to help, Ryan followed the sounds through the darkness until he reached a neighboring pond, where he discovered a dog trapped on the ice.
Describing the dramatic scene, Ryan shared with the Tribune: “I could see the dog trapped about 10-15 feet off the shore, with ice all around it”. Despite the challenging circumstances, Ryan wasn’t alone in his efforts. Another man in a rowboat was present, attempting to reach the stranded dog, but he was struggling to navigate the icy waters.
Without hesitation, Ryan decided to take matters into his own hands. Undeterred by the freezing conditions, he bravely stripped down to his boxers and slid the boat out onto the ice. With a courageous plunge into the cold water, he swam towards the distressed pup just as it was about to submerge beneath the thin ice.
In a tense moment, Ryan reached the area where the ice gave way, but he managed to grab hold of the dog, named Sadie. With Sadie in tow, Ryan swam back to the thicker ice, successfully pulling himself out of the water and bringing the grateful dog to safety. However, the saga didn’t end there.
As Ryan was preparing to resume his delivery route, animal control and the local sheriff’s department arrived on the scene. Despite the challenges, Sadie managed to survive with serious injuries, while Ryan emerged from the icy rescue with only a few scratches and the shock of the cold water. Reflecting on the daring rescue, Ryan expressed: “Animals are my weakness. It was the most memorable moment of my 14-year UPS career”.
In a heartwarming twist, Ryan’s connection with Sadie continued beyond the rescue. On a subsequent delivery, he encountered Sadie again, a two-year-old Wirehaired Pointing Griffon who recognized her hero and greeted him with exuberant joy. Ryan’s courageous act not only saved Sadie but also left an indelible mark on his UPS career, highlighting the extraordinary lengths one person will go to save a furry friend in need.