This cat has been guarding her little human since before he was born

Liel Ainmar Assayag is the owner of a cat named Panda. When Liel gave birth to little Sean, this amazing cat was constantly by his side.

As Liel says, Panda constantly followed her around the house and was by her side while she was pregnant. Now that she has given birth, Panda is always with the little child. She loved him very much.

Panda is an adopted cat who is now two years old.

She adores her owner and her child.

She constantly followed her owner around the house while she was pregnant. She even stroked her belly.

Now she is constantly with the little child.

It’s obvious how much they mean to Panda.

Apart from Panda, there are other cats in the house who love Sean.

Source: Bored Panda