This lifeless dog has been rescued by hero firefighters after performing mouth-to-snout resuscitation after being pulled from fire

Andrew Klein is a firefighter in Santa Monica, and Marley is a tiny dog ​​who will remember him as a hero.

Marley was with his mother in the building that caught fire. Unfortunately, the small dog was trapped inside.

Photographer Billy Fernando captured some scenes of firefighters at work.

He even recorded the saving of one small life.

Fernando told The Dodo that he saw Klein running with something in his hands. Although he did not immediately know what it was, he later realized that it was a small dog that had been injured in the fire.

Klein tried in every way to save this dog.

Those were really stressful moments.

Klein did not give up even though he was visibly tired. He tried everything for this dog to survive.

To everyone’s surprise, after twenty minutes of trying, the dog started to move. The owner of Marley and everyone else breathed a sigh of relief for a moment.

After a while, the unfortunate dog regained his strength and was no longer in danger.

The owner cried, and everyone was happy.

Andrew Klein is a true hero of whom everyone is proud.

This event will hardly ever be forgotten.