Precious video shows baby monkey caring for baby ducks like they’re his family

Watching animals as they socialize always brings a smile to people’s faces. This little monkey with his duckling friends amazed the whole internet. Their socializing is filmed and it’s really adorable to see. Millions of views were given to a video showing a little monkey caring for five little ducks. He treats them like they

Precious video shows baby monkey caring for baby ducks like they’re his family Read More »

Heroic pit bull drags 7-month-old sister by diaper out of house fire and saves her life

As much as dogs are considered dangerous to be near small children, sometimes this turns out to be the best possible thing. Pitt bulls do not have a very good reputation and can often be dangerous, but not always. A mother, Latana Chai, from California, considers her dog a hero because he saved her baby.

Heroic pit bull drags 7-month-old sister by diaper out of house fire and saves her life Read More »