Dog which was shot 17 times, lost one ear and blind, is now a therapy dog

In a world where animals often endure unimaginable suffering without any wrongdoing on their part, their silent resilience stands as a testament to the strength of the animal spirit. One such inspiring tale unfolds with the story of Maggie, a five-year-old canine who defied the odds and rekindled hope in the hearts of those who […]

Dog which was shot 17 times, lost one ear and blind, is now a therapy dog Read More »

Woman rescues sable from farm, finds out she’s not fit to live in the wild and decides to adopt her

The grim specter of extinction looms over many animal species, and sables are no exception to this plight. Regrettably, sables are often hunted for their fur, with some individuals breeding them on farms solely for this purpose. Amid this somber backdrop, a glimmer of hope emerges in the form of Zhenya, who shared her heartwarming

Woman rescues sable from farm, finds out she’s not fit to live in the wild and decides to adopt her Read More »

Woman takes 18 disabled dogs to the beach for their very 1st time

In our journey through life, it’s easy to lose sight of the treasures we already possess while fixating on the desire for more. Such a mindset can be detrimental. Gratitude is a virtue we should cultivate, appreciating the blessings we have without harboring jealousy towards others. Comparing ourselves to others, although common, can lead to

Woman takes 18 disabled dogs to the beach for their very 1st time Read More »

Hero dog braved through a burning house to rescue his little kitten friend

In a world often marred by unfortunate events, the moments of beauty and heroism that emerge, particularly from the animal kingdom, shine as beacons of hope. Today, we share a heartwarming story that warms the soul. It takes us back to Donetsk, Ukraine, a place etched in memory for an incident of great magnitude, a

Hero dog braved through a burning house to rescue his little kitten friend Read More »

Cyclists find five puppies buried in hole, rescue them by carrying them to safety in their shirts

Witnessing acts of kindness towards animals always warms our hearts and reaffirms the goodness in humanity. Such is the story of Tyago Costa Silva, a compassionate cyclist from Brazil, who stumbled upon a heart-wrenching scene that he couldn’t ignore. As he pedaled along, Tyago came across a shocking sight: five abandoned puppies, left forlorn and

Cyclists find five puppies buried in hole, rescue them by carrying them to safety in their shirts Read More »

New York dog walker walking over 15 dogs in a pack every day makes incredible photos of his clients

Owning a dog is a significant responsibility that comes with its unique challenges. Many dog owners are familiar with that heart-wrenching look their furry companions give them when they have to leave for work. Leaving a dog alone for the entire day can be a tough situation. Yet, when you return home, weary from work,

New York dog walker walking over 15 dogs in a pack every day makes incredible photos of his clients Read More »

20-year-old cat surrendered to shelter gets adopted by 101-year-old lady

Let us extend our heartfelt wishes for good fortune to this remarkable woman, brimming with love and compassion. Little Gus has finally found the life he so rightly deserves, a testament to his enduring spirit. Remarkably, despite Gus being a venerable 20 years of age, a thorough examination revealed that he is remarkably healthy, a

20-year-old cat surrendered to shelter gets adopted by 101-year-old lady Read More »

Ants cover deceased bee with flower petals in what appears to be a proper funeral

Animals have repeatedly offered us valuable lessons on how to conduct ourselves in life, and the recent display of kindness by ants is no exception. Upon closer observation, it becomes apparent that these ants are engaged in what appears to be a funeral ceremony for a deceased bumblebee. In a captivating video, one can witness

Ants cover deceased bee with flower petals in what appears to be a proper funeral Read More »

Trail cam accidentally captures opossum helping a deer by picking ticks off its face

Opossums have often been unfairly labeled as troublesome animals, but the tide of opinion regarding these creatures is gradually shifting, according to Opossum Awareness & Advocacy workers. Historically, opossums earned a negative reputation because they would frequently seek refuge in the basements of homes, searching for warmth and shelter. Unfortunately, this led to the demise

Trail cam accidentally captures opossum helping a deer by picking ticks off its face Read More »

Dog cried all night as no one picks her & shelter shared her photo as a last resort

The High Plains Humane Society (HPHS) in New Mexico has been tirelessly working to improve the lives of less fortunate dogs for as long as it’s been around. Frequently, we come across heartwrenching images of shelter dogs on social media platforms, sharing these images in the hope that more people will take notice. Recently, HPHS

Dog cried all night as no one picks her & shelter shared her photo as a last resort Read More »